Business planning

We get a lot of requests for help with business planning from people running their own social enterprises as well as people trying to convince their bosses or their bosses’ bosses. Below are some practical resources that we have found really useful over the years and depending what you want a business plan for, there should be something here to meet your needs.

Some of our most recent additions are:

You may also find Podcast 5 useful which covers:

  • The problems with being grant-funded
  • Moving from a "dependent needs-based mentality" to an "independent strengths-based mentality"
  • How to start the process
  • Developing contacts among commissioners
  • Generating income from several different types of customers and organisations
  • Turning creativity into enterprise and business solutions
  • Why there is no shortage of money (but often a shortage of good ideas!)

Click here to access the podcast

If you have suggestions for new content, resources or information, then please pop it in our suggestion box. The current most popular suggestions for this section are:

  • The 10 biggest mistakes people make with business plans
  • Creating a beermat business plan
  • Pitching a business plan to an investor
  • Pitching a business plan to your boss
  • Presenting a business plan